Laravel 8 PHP: Return Single Decimal Place Only When the Last Decimal Number is 0
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Laravel 8 PHP: Return Single Decimal Place Only When the Last Decimal Number is 0

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In Laravel 8, working with decimal numbers can be a bit tricky, especially when you want to display them in a specific format. One common requirement is to return a single decimal place only when the last decimal number is 0. In this article, we’ll explore how to achieve this using PHP and Laravel 8.

Why is this important?

Displaying decimal numbers with unnecessary trailing zeros can make your application look unprofessional and cluttered. For instance, if you’re building an e-commerce platform, you don’t want to display prices like 10.00 or 20.00. Instead, you want to show them as 10.0 or 20.0, respectively, when the last decimal number is 0. This makes your application more visually appealing and easier to read.

The Problem

By default, PHP’s built-in functions like number_format() or round() won’t help you achieve this. They will either truncate the decimal part or round the number to the nearest integer. For example:

$num = 10.00;
echo number_format($num, 1); // Outputs: 10.0
echo round($num, 1); // Outputs: 10

As you can see, the output is not what we want. We need a custom solution to handle this specific requirement.

The Solution

Luckily, Laravel 8 provides a robust way to handle decimal numbers using the number_format() function in combination with some clever string manipulation. Here’s the solution:

function formatDecimal($number) {
    $str = number_format($number, 1);
    if (substr($str, -1) === '0') {
        return rtrim($str, '0');
    return $str;

$num = 10.00;
echo formatDecimal($num); // Outputs: 10.0

$num = 10.50;
echo formatDecimal($num); // Outputs: 10.5

Let’s break down this code:

  • number_format($number, 1): This formats the number with one decimal place.
  • substr($str, -1) === '0': This checks if the last character of the formatted string is ‘0’. If it is, we proceed to the next step.
  • rtrim($str, '0'): This removes the trailing ‘0’ from the string, leaving us with the desired output.

Using the Solution in Laravel 8

In a Laravel 8 application, you can create a helper function or a custom Blade directive to use this solution. Here’s an example of a helper function:

// app/Helpers.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;

function formatDecimal($number) {
    $str = number_format($number, 1);
    if (substr($str, -1) === '0') {
        return rtrim($str, '0');
    return $str;

Then, in your Blade template, you can use the helper function like this:

{{-- resources/views/example.blade.php --}}

{{ formatDecimal($price) }}

Additional Tips and Variations

In some cases, you might want to display a different number of decimal places based on certain conditions. Here are some variations of the solution:

Dynamic Decimal Places

Suppose you want to display 2 decimal places when the last decimal number is not 0, but 1 decimal place when it is 0. You can modify the solution like this:

function formatDecimal($number, $decimals) {
    $str = number_format($number, $decimals);
    if (substr($str, -1) === '0' && $decimals > 1) {
        return rtrim($str, '0');
    return $str;

In this example, the function takes an additional $decimals parameter, which specifies the number of decimal places to display.

Handling Negative Numbers

If you’re working with negative numbers, you’ll want to preserve the negative sign. You can modify the solution like this:

function formatDecimal($number) {
    $str = number_format($number, 1);
    if (substr($str, -1) === '0') {
        $neg = $number < 0 ? '-' : '';
        return $neg . rtrim(ltrim($str, '-'), '0');
    return $str;

In this example, we use the bitwise AND operator (&<) to check if the number is negative, and then preserve the negative sign if necessary.


In this article, we’ve explored how to return a single decimal place only when the last decimal number is 0 in Laravel 8 using PHP. We’ve also covered some additional tips and variations to make the solution more flexible and robust. By using this solution, you can improve the user experience and make your application more visually appealing.

Remember to always test your code thoroughly and consider edge cases to ensure that your solution works as expected.

Keyword Description
Laravel 8 A PHP framework for building web applications
PHP A server-side programming language
number_format() A PHP function for formatting numbers
round() A PHP function for rounding numbers
rtrim() A PHP function for removing characters from the end of a string
substr() A PHP function for extracting a portion of a string

By following the instructions and explanations in this article, you should be able to implement the solution in your Laravel 8 application and achieve the desired output.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below!

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Thanks for reading, and happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on how to return single decimal places in Laravel 8 PHP when the last decimal number is 0!

Why does Laravel 8 PHP return multiple decimal places by default?

Laravel 8 PHP, being a robust framework, is designed to handle decimal numbers with precision. By default, it returns multiple decimal places to ensure accuracy. However, you can customize this behavior to suit your needs.

How to return a single decimal place in Laravel 8 PHP?

You can use the number_format() function to format the number to a single decimal place. For example, number_format($number, 1) will round the number to one decimal place. Alternatively, you can use the round() function to achieve the same result.

What if I want to return a single decimal place only when the last decimal number is 0?

You can use a conditional statement to check if the last decimal number is 0. If it is, use the number_format() or round() function to format the number to a single decimal place. Otherwise, return the original number. For example, if ($number – floor($number) == 0) { return number_format($number, 1); } else { return $number; }.

Can I use a Laravel 8 PHP helper function to achieve this?

Although Laravel 8 PHP doesn’t have a built-in helper function for this specific requirement, you can create your own custom helper function to encapsulate the logic. For example, you can create a function called formatDecimal() that takes a number as an argument and returns the formatted number based on the condition.

What are some best practices to keep in mind when working with decimal numbers in Laravel 8 PHP?

When working with decimal numbers in Laravel 8 PHP, it’s essential to consider the precision and rounding mode. Always define the number of decimal places you want to display, and use the correct rounding mode (e.g., ROUND_HALF_UP or ROUND_HALF_DOWN) to avoid unexpected results. Additionally, be mindful of the data type and potential errors when working with large or very small decimal numbers.

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