Solving the Pimcore Print Document Generation Conundrum: Image Not Loading?
Image by Larissia -

Solving the Pimcore Print Document Generation Conundrum: Image Not Loading?

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Are you tired of staring at a blank page, frustrated that your Pimcore print document generation is stuck, and the image just won’t load? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll delve into the common issues, troubleshoot the problems, and provide step-by-step solutions to get your images loading in no time.

Understanding Pimcore Print Document Generation

Pimcore is an open-source product information management (PIM) system that allows you to centrally manage your product data and assets. One of its powerful features is print document generation, enabling you to create professional-grade documents, such as datasheets, catalogs, and invoices, with ease.

However, when images fail to load, it can be a major roadblock in your document generation process. Let’s explore the common reasons behind this issue and how to overcome them.

Reason 1: Incorrect Image Path

One of the most common causes of images not loading is an incorrect image path. This can happen when the image is not uploaded to the correct location or the path is not correctly specified in the Pimcore document template.

To resolve this issue:

  • Verify that the image is uploaded to the correct location in Pimcore.
  • Check the document template to ensure the image path is correctly specified.
  • Use the Pimcore URL generator to generate the correct URL for the image.

// Example of using the Pimcore URL generator
<img src="{@pimcore.url('image', 'your-image-id')}">

Reason 2: Image Not Optimized for Print

When generating print documents, it’s essential to ensure that your images are optimized for print. This means using high-resolution images with the correct dpi (dots per inch) and color mode.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Check the image resolution and ensure it’s suitable for print (at least 300 dpi).
  2. Convert the image to the correct color mode (e.g., CMYK for most printers).
  3. Save the optimized image and upload it to Pimcore.

Reason 3: Image Not Rendered Correctly

In some cases, the image might not be rendered correctly in the print document, resulting in a blank space or incorrect image display.

To resolve this issue:

Check Solution
Image format Ensure the image is in a supported format (e.g., JPEG, PNG, or TIFF).
Image size Verify that the image size is correct and optimal for print.
Image compression Check if the image is compressed correctly, and adjust the compression settings if necessary.

Reason 4: Print Document Template Issues

Sometimes, the issue lies with the print document template itself. This can include incorrect layout settings, misconfigured page dimensions, or invalid CSS styles.

To resolve this issue:

  • Review the print document template and ensure it’s correctly configured.
  • Check the layout settings and adjust them if necessary.
  • Verify that the page dimensions are set correctly.

// Example of correcting invalid CSS styles
  /* Correct the image display property */
  img {
    display: block;
    margin: 0 auto;

Reason 5: Pimcore Configuration Issues

In some cases, the issue might be related to Pimcore configuration or plugin settings.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Check the Pimcore system settings and ensure they are correctly configured.
  2. Verify that the required plugins are installed and enabled.
  3. Review the plugin settings and adjust them if necessary.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

When troubleshooting image loading issues in Pimcore print document generation, it’s essential to follow a structured approach:

  1. Check the Pimcore system logs for any error messages related to image loading.
  2. Verify that the image is correctly uploaded and exists in the Pimcore asset management system.
  3. Check the document template and ensure the image path is correctly specified.
  4. Test the image loading in a separate environment, such as a test server or local development setup.
  5. Consult the Pimcore community forum or documentation for similar issues and potential solutions.


Image loading issues in Pimcore print document generation can be frustrating, but with the right approach, you can identify and resolve the problem quickly. By understanding the common causes, such as incorrect image paths, unoptimized images, and template issues, you can take corrective action and ensure that your images load correctly.

Remember to troubleshoot systematically, checking the Pimcore system settings, plugin configurations, and document templates. With patience and persistence, you’ll be generating print documents with correctly loading images in no time!

Happy printing!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with Pimcore Print Document Generation? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out our FAQs below to resolve the issue of images not loading.

Why are my images not loading in Pimcore Print Document Generation?

This could be due to the image file not being uploading correctly to the server. Check the image upload settings in your Pimcore configuration and ensure that the image file type is supported.

Are there any specific image file types that are supported in Pimcore Print Document Generation?

Yes, Pimcore supports most common image file types such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF. However, it’s best to check the official Pimcore documentation for the most up-to-date information on supported file types.

Can I use externally hosted images in Pimcore Print Document Generation?

Yes, you can use externally hosted images in Pimcore Print Document Generation. Simply enter the full URL of the image, including the protocol (e.g., https:// or http://), and Pimcore will fetch the image from the external source.

How do I troubleshoot image loading issues in Pimcore Print Document Generation?

To troubleshoot image loading issues, check the Pimcore log files for any errors related to image uploads or processing. You can also try re-uploading the image or checking the image URL for any syntax errors.

Are there any-specific Pimcore configurations that can affect image loading in Print Document Generation?

Yes, certain Pimcore configurations, such as image resize settings or caching, can affect image loading in Print Document Generation. Check the Pimcore documentation for more information on how to configure these settings correctly.

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