The Mysterious Case of BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 Return Value: Unraveling the Enigma
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The Mysterious Case of BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 Return Value: Unraveling the Enigma

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As a C++ developer, you’re no stranger to the intricacies of function calls and return values. But what happens when the seemingly innocuous BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value throws a curveball, returning something other than the expected “this” pointer? In this article, we’ll delve into the mysteries of uprobing C++ class functions and explore the reasons behind this unexpected behavior.

The BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 Conundrum

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the context. The BCC (BPF Compiler Collection) library provides a powerful toolset for dynamic tracing and debugging of Linux systems. One of its key components is the PT_REGS_PARM1 macro, which allows you to access the first function parameter. In the context of uprobing C++ class functions, this macro is often used to retrieve the “this” pointer.

What’s the “this” Pointer, Anyway?

In C++, the “this” pointer is an implicit parameter passed to member functions, pointing to the object instance on which the function is called. It’s a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, allowing functions to access and manipulate object properties. In the context of uprobing, the “this” pointer is essential for identifying the object being operated on.

So, what happens when the PT_REGS_PARM1 return value isn’t the “this” pointer?

The Culprits Behind the Misbehaving Return Value

There are several reasons why the PT_REGS_PARM1 return value might not be the “this” pointer. Let’s explore the common culprits:

  • Compiler Optimizations: Aggressive compiler optimizations can reorder or remove function parameters, leading to unexpected return values.
  • Mangled Names: C++ name mangling can cause the function signature to be modified, affecting the way parameters are accessed.
  • Implicit Conversions: Implicit type conversions can alter the function parameter layout, leading to mismatched return values.
  • Function Inlining: Inlined functions can eliminate the need for a separate function call, altering the parameter passing mechanism.

To overcome these challenges, you’ll need to employ a combination of strategies to ensure the correct return value.

Unraveling the Enigma: Strategies for Success

Here are the battle-tested strategies to help you tame the wild BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value:

Strategy 1: Disable Compiler Optimizations

gcc -O0 -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fno-inline -fno-optimize-sibling-calls your_cpp_file.cpp -o your_cpp_file

By disabling compiler optimizations, you can force the compiler to preserve the original function signature and parameter layout.

Strategy 2: Demangle Function Names

objdump -p --demangle your_cpp_file.o

Demangling function names helps to reveal the original function signature, allowing you to access the correct parameters.

Strategy 3: Cast to the Correct Type

struct PT_REGS {
    unsigned long long parm1;

struct MyClass {
    int myMethod();

int myMethod() {
    struct PT_REGS regs;
    MyClass* this_ptr = (MyClass*)(regs.parm1);

By casting the PT_REGS_PARM1 return value to the correct type, you can ensure that you’re accessing the intended object instance.

Strategy 4: Use the `this` Keyword in Your Uprobe

BPF_PROG(ltrace, "p", "myMethod")
int bpf_ltrace(MyClass* this_ptr, ...) {

By using the `this` keyword in your uprobe, you can explicitly specify the object instance as the first function parameter.

Putting it All Together: A Comprehensive Example

Let’s put the strategies into practice with a comprehensive example:

#include <iostream>
#include <bpf/bpf.h>

class MyClass {
    int myMethod();

int MyClass::myMethod() {
    std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

BPF_PROG(ltrace, "p", "myMethod")
int bpf_ltrace(MyClass* this_ptr, ...) {
    struct PT_REGS regs;

    MyClass* obj = (MyClass*)(regs.parm1);

    return 0;

int main() {
    MyClass obj;

    return 0;

In this example, we’ve combined the strategies to ensure that the PT_REGS_PARM1 return value correctly points to the “this” pointer. By demangling the function name, casting to the correct type, and using the `this` keyword in the uprobe, we’ve successfully unraveled the enigma of the misbehaving return value.


The BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value can be a puzzle, but with the right strategies, you can overcome the challenges and successfully uprobing C++ class functions. By understanding the intricacies of compiler optimizations, name mangling, and implicit conversions, you’ll be better equipped to tackle the unexpected return values. Remember to stay vigilant, and with persistence and creativity, you’ll unlock the secrets of the mysterious PT_REGS_PARM1 return value.

Strategy Benefits
Use the `this` Keyword in Your Uprobe EXPLICITLY SPECIFY OBJECT INSTANCE

Stay tuned for more in-depth articles on uprobing C++ class functions and conquering the mysteries of the BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value. Happy debugging!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about “BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value is not "this" pointer when uprobing C++ class function”!

What’s the deal with BCC lib PT_REGS_PARM1 return value not being the “this” pointer when uprobing C++ class function?

When uprobing a C++ class function using BCC lib, the PT_REGS_PARM1 return value is not the “this” pointer as expected. This is because the “this” pointer is not passed as an explicit argument in C++ class functions. Instead, it’s implicitly passed as a hidden argument. To get the “this” pointer, you need to use the PT_REGS_PARM2 return value, which refers to the implicit “this” pointer.

Why does PT_REGS_PARM1 return value point to a different memory location than the class object?

The PT_REGS_PARM1 return value points to a different memory location because it’s the first argument of the function, which in this case is not the “this” pointer. The “this” pointer is stored in the PT_REGS_PARM2 return value. Make sure to use the correct return value to access the class object’s memory location.

How do I access the class object’s members using the PT_REGS_PARM2 return value?

To access the class object’s members, you need to dereference the PT_REGS_PARM2 return value, which points to the “this” pointer. Then, you can use the arrow operator (->) to access the class object’s members. For example, if you want to access a member variable “x”, you would use `((MyClass*)(PT_REGS_PARM2))->x`.

What if I’m uprobing a virtual function in a C++ class? Do I still use PT_REGS_PARM2?

When uprobing a virtual function in a C++ class, you should use PT_REGS_PARM1 to access the “this” pointer. This is because the virtual function’s first argument is the “this” pointer, which is implicitly passed by the compiler.

Can I use this approach to uprobe other types of functions that take “this” pointer as an argument?

Yes, you can use this approach to uprobe other types of functions that take “this” pointer as an argument, such as lambdas or functors. Just keep in mind that the argument order and naming conventions might vary depending on the specific function type and compiler implementation.